Thursday, February 24, 2011

Red-Headed Asian Bento!

TGIF! Tomorrow's Bento features an Oriental theme with porkloin, slaw with sesame oil & almonds, and sticky rice, featuring the "red-headed Asian," (that's a private joke that my dear Husband would find humorous - his personal Holy Grail) with a Nori bowtie. Yogurt with blueberries and a Weight Watcher's treat that really does taste like thin mints! By the way, if you're counting, that's 13 WW Plus Points, but the whole Bento will cover me for lunch plus morning & afternoon snacks! Mmmmm Bento!


  1. Hi Erin,
    I found your blog through your FB post. Your blog is very good! I've enjoyed reading the whole thing. I also have a blog that I've had for about 2 years now. Isn't it fun! We need to get you more followers! BTW, love this Bento idea. Never heard of that.

  2. Wow, cool, Nina, thanks! How do I find your blog? I have dabbled with blogging before, but I am going to try to keep this up.
