Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Luck O' The Irish Bento

Luck O' The Irish in Green, White and Orange Bento!

From left to right: Mandarin orange Jello cup, peanuts, foil covered chocolates. Brusselles Sprouts, and 2 cutie characters picked into Swedish meatballs with a sushi grass separator. Bowtie macaroni & cheese, M&Ms, and the last of my cumquats.

I love those pot o' gold picks too! I might have to do another themed Bento for tomorrow's meal.

Pat & I are having some reubens tonight to celebrate our Irish names and my Irish heritage. May the Luck O' the Irish be with Ye all day! Linking to What's for Lunch Wednesday's. Thanks!!

1 comment:

  1. Great St.Patrick's Day bento! Had meant to make one but didn't get round to it :( Well, not a national feast in The Netherlands anyway. ;)
